To Exchange Gasses in Blood

To Exchange Gasses in Blood Disclaim and concept afsnit Overskrift Afsnit overskrift L overskrift overskrift 1 overskrift 1

To Read the Fourletter DNA


To Read the Fourletter DNA Disclaimer The concept to read dna  Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid DNA is an acronym for some amino acids in the human nucleus. Once understood on whta makes it work and how to read DNA, it is then very easy to decifer and detect the chain of nucleic acids. Though this is […]

To Perceive RNA

To Perceive RNA Disclaimer To Perceive RNA is under constand research Inside the nucleus This part of the cell is very delicate and montruous at the same time, so to percieve rna With the DNA This clip in this example of RNA and DNA is from the motion picture of Jurassic Park form 1993. In […]

To Research the Skin

Skin Hud

To Research the Skin Disclaimer This blog is not finished nor was it and is intended to be finished or conclusive. It is in this state of the writer’s point of view that always are under research. It should therefore be seen as such. If there is any kind of addition to this subject, please […]

To See the Rules of Health


To see the rules of health Disclaimer This blog is not finished nor was it and is intended to be finished or conclusive. It is in this state of the writer’s point of view that always are under research. It should therefore be seen as such. If there is any kind of addition to this […]

To Apply Use of the Mineral Silicon

Silicon Dioxide i pulverform

To Apply Use of Silicon Disclaimer This blog is not finished nor was it and is intended to be finished or conclusive. It is in this state of the writer’s point of view that always are under research. It should therefore be seen as such. If there is any kind of addition to this subject, […]

To Follow the Digestion


To Follow the Digestion Disclaimer and concept To follow the digestion is under research and building review which means, though there are written few or many perspectives, the blog or article is open for editing. The views, opinions and stories could and can be from a personal point of view, though in some instances it […]

To Get a Gomplete Meal

Macronutrition are the six largest nutrients used in our daily lives, Macronutrition are not something supermarkets boast about

To Focus on Bileproduction

Gallbladder is the green purse on the left beneath the liver and next to the stomach

To Focus on Bileproduction Disclaimer This blog is not finished nor was it and is intended to be finished or conclusive. It is in this state of the writer’s point of view that always are under research. It should therefore be seen as such. If there is any kind of addition to this subject, please […]

To Regulate the Weight

Measurement of wight

To Regulate the Weight Disclaimer This blog is not finished nor was and is it intended to be finished or conclusive. It is in this state of the writer’s point of view that always are under research. It should therefore be seen as such. If there is any kind of addition to this subject, please […]

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