Updates WILL come

This section will always undergo most up to date sources from science. The public nam, their website is shown whereas it is possible to visit their site and get the understanding of their perception of health and science.

List of people in Science

Lloyd Burrell – Electric Sense

Website is coming

Dr. David Jcckers – Supercharge you health

Dr. Louis J. Ignarro Ph.D

Website is coming

Dr. Peter Kan – Integrative Wellness

Website is coming

Dr. Eva Detko

Dr. David Heber Ph.D

Website is coming

Guansheng Ma


Dr. Paul Ekman

Gilbert Strang

Andre W. Saul

Website is coming

Abraham Hoffer Ph.D

Website is coming

Linus Pauling

Website is coming

Noam Chomsky

D. C. Hemingway

Website is coming

Hugh D. Riordan M.D.

Website is coming

Dr. P.M. Rowan

Carin S. Smit

Price Pritchett

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