Thought and Character

Thought and Character Summary THE APHORISM As a man thinketh in his heart so is he, not only embraces the whole of a man’s being, but is so comprehensive as to reach yet to every condition and circumstance of his life. A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of […]

The Laws of Achievement

The Laws of Achievement Summary The Laws of Achievement Desire asdf Faith asdf Auto-Suggestion asdf Specialized knowledge asdf Imagination asdf Organized planning asdf Decision asdf Persistence asdf Power of the Master Mind asdf The Mystery of Sex Transmutation asdf The Sub-Conscious Mind This subconscuous side is like a garden that only brings forward what is […]

The Starting Point

The Starting Point Summary The Starting Point is going as far back as possible to when thinkng really began, to the first kind of reasoning, back when someone discovered they held an image that no one else could see. The Starting Point is just where the process of order comes to show out of nothing […]

The Science of Getting Rich

The Science of Getting Rich Summary The Science of Getting Rich is the study of a person’s character in the term of becoming rich and to enrich others. The three parts to it is what makes a person feel and radiate richness or wealth. Gratitude, an Impression of Increase and Principle of Getting Rich. The […]


Serenity Summary Serenity in As a Man Thinketh is here split up in seven following phrases that describes and is a summary on how the majority of people go through life to when a revelation is upon them to become an apprentice with a master or ready for an eyeopening adventure. Serenity gives through the […]

The Strangest Secret

The Strangest Secret The Strangest Secret is spoken from Earl Nithginale form the 1960s and is stil listened to today. It is a part of a series titled Lead The Field I’d like to tell you about the strangest secret in the world. Not long ago, Albert Schweitzer, the great Doctor and Nobel Prize […]


Scientists This section will always undergo most up to date sources from science. The public nam, their website is shown whereas it is possible to visit their site and get the understanding of their perception of health and science. The list of people in science that have contributed to the sites many viewpoints are and […]

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