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What happened consciously

I met a man, Clarence Smithison, many years ago in Indiana and he gave me a definition of faith that I think is just about as good as any you will hear. Faith is the ability to see the invisible, see something on the screen of your conscious mind that no one else can see. It is the ability to see the invisible, to believe the incredible.

The incredible on faith

What is incredible? I will tell you what is incredible, that your subconscious mind is universal subconscious mind that operates in a totally deductive state. It will take anything that you give to it and instantly and automatically begin to move into form with and through you. So, faith is the ability to see the invisible, to believe in the incredible and that will permit you to receive what the world calls impossible.

The change of faith

 You see, you build the idea in your conscious mind, you turn it over to the subconscious. That instantly alters the vibration that your entire body and mind are in, and that then, in turn, sets up an attractive force and attracts to you the things that you need for the manifestation of your idea. Faith is powerful. You have got to have an understanding of how the mind works, the laws of our being, and that is what we teach.

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