A Public Transportation

Public Transportation

A Public Transportation A public transportation is build for society and the majority. With that in mind the structure connects to architecture and design https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAZ6MoS4zBk

A Supply of Money

Money falls from the sky

A Supply of Money A supply of money is important to everyone because of its psychological meaning. Besides that point of view, money holds an important factor in the world of business. Even when exchanges take place in the stock market where ownerships are bought and sold. Also in the small business where a pizza […]

A Musical Experience

A Musical Experience It might be considered or thought that something related to music is to be associated which is true. Music has a great impact on us and also runs parallel to physics, psychology. Music is frequencies that can be heard by the human ear in the range from twenty hertz to twenty thousand […]

A Compound in Plants

Anti cancer

A Compound in Plants In the root of every plant there are compounds that have an effect on humans and their biology. Science is looking into it with the help of tools to see how the DNA is built and composed.  Phytochemicals are chemical compounds produced by plants, generally to help them resist fungi, bacteria […]

An Art of Architecture


An Art of Architecture Architecture, the art and technique of designing and building varous buildings, as distinguished from the skills associated with construction. The practice of it is employed to fulfill both practical and expressive requirements, and thus it serves both utilitarian and aesthetic ends. It is the art and science of designing buildings and […]

A Case of Psychology​

A Case of Psychology Psychology is the study or science of the psyche of organisms or of the phenomena of mental life as expressed in people’s thoughts, feelings, needs, memories, attitudes, imagination, dreams, action, behavior and practical activity, as well as the connections of these phenomena to their biological foundations and cultural, societal and social […]

A Observation in Physics

Atom number 1 which is hydrogen, blue electrons racing around a red proton

A Observation in Physics Physics is an experiential science subject. It is an interaction between theory and observation, where the observer seeks to establish a set of general laws of nature that can be formulated in the language of mathematics. There are several mutually complementary approaches to physics. From one corner, one focuses on the […]

A Discipline of Philosophy​

A Discipline of Philosophy Philosophy is probably the most difficult concept to grasp because it is broad and for some quite unmanageable. science of human existence and the basic conditions for cognition, morality. a single person’s, group’s or period’s perception of these matters; the basis of a subject or a science. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A542ixwyBhc

A Society and Its Foundation​

Society humans side by side

A Society and Its Foundation Society is generally and considered as any organized mass of building with people ranging from small private associations to entire civilizations; for example in a center that the Danish Baptist Association is a religious community, and the members of the United Nations together form the International Community. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GeSkFwaljoc

A Business Association

Business negotiation and agreement

A Business Association A business can consist, among other things, of a room where a trader displays and sells goods. At the same time, a business is trading with and making money from one or more goods. A business is also a transaction between two parties – where something changes ownership. Action of an official […]