Authors by A

Authors by A is listed by lastname  with the first name after.

Stella Adler

First steps on stage 

The World of the Stage Isn’t Your World 

Acting Is Doing 

The Actor Needs to Be Strong 

Developing Imagination 

Making the World of the Play Your Own 

Getting Hold of Acting’s Control 

Learning Actions 

Making Actions Doable 

Building a Vocabulary of Actions 

Instant and Inner Justifications 

Complicating Actions 

Giving Actions Size 

Understanding the Text 

Character Elements 

Dressing the Part 

Learning a Character’s Rhythm 

Actors are Aristocrats 

Making the Costume Real 

The Actor Is a Warrior 

Stanislavski and the New Realistc Drama 

Portraying Class On Stage

Cover of Stella Adler Acting as if

James Allen


Thought and Character

Effect of Thought on Circumstabces

Effect of Thought on Helth and Body

Thought and  Purpose

The Thought-Factor in Achievement

Visions and Ideals


Alberts, Johnson, Lewis, Raff, Roberts, Walter

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