Law of Attraction

Law of Attraction This blog consits of material that will acknowledge what a natural law is bout. This is so to speak a disclaim that a the bog will not be complete and is not intended to be complete as it is a further study of the concept of attraction. So when you (reader) are […]

A Compound in Plants

A Compound in Plants In the root of every plant there are compounds that have an effect on humans and their biology. Science is looking into it with the help of tools to see how the DNA is built and composed.  Phytochemicals are chemical compounds produced by plants, generally to help them resist fungi, bacteria […]

An Art of Architecture


An Art of Architecture Architecture, the art and technique of designing and building varous buildings, as distinguished from the skills associated with construction. The practice of it is employed to fulfill both practical and expressive requirements, and thus it serves both utilitarian and aesthetic ends. It is the art and science of designing buildings and […]

To Build the Memory

To Build the Memory Summary This blog is intended to be under research. It is in this state of the writer’s point of view that always are under research. It should therefore be seen as such. If there is any kind of addition to this subject, please notify the site or open an account you […]

To know a Mastermind

To Function a Mastermind Summary This blog on To Function a Mastermind is not finished nor was and is it intended to be finished or conclusive. It is in this state of the writer’s point of view that always are under research. It should therefore be seen as such. If there is any kind of addition […]

To Connect to Intuition

A face with the universe focused on intuition

To Connect to Intuition Summary This blog is intended to be under research. It is in this state of the writer’s point of view that always are under research. It should therefore be seen as such. If there is any kind of addition to this subject, please notify the site or open an account you […]

To Network Like a Family

Network Marketing

To Network Like a Family Summary This blog to network like a family is intended to be undre research. It is in this state of the writer’s point of view that always are under research. It should therefore be seen as such. If there is any kind of addition to this subject, please notify the […]

To Create Series of Brands

To Create Series of Brands Summary This blog is not finished nor was and is it intended to be finished or conclusive. It is in this state of the writer’s point of view that always are under research. It should therefore be seen as such. If there is any kind of addition to this subject, […]

To Research the Skin

Skin Hud

To Research the Skin Summary This blog is not finished nor was it and is intended to be finished or conclusive. It is in this state of the writer’s point of view that always are under research. It should therefore be seen as such. If there is any kind of addition to this subject, please […]

To See the Rules of Health


To See the Rules of Health Summary This blog is intended to be under research. It is in this state of the writer’s point of view that always are under research. It should therefore be seen as such. If there is any kind of addition to this subject, please notify the site or open an […]

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